Source code for pyhamcrest_toolbox.multicomponent

from hamcrest.core.base_matcher import BaseMatcher

from .util import get_description, get_mismatch_description, sentence_case

[docs]class MatcherPlugin(BaseMatcher): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.passed = False def _matches(self, item): self.passed = self.component_matches(item) return self.passed
[docs] def component_matches(self, item): raise NotImplementedError()
def describe_mismatch(self, item, mismatch_description): if not self.passed: self.describe_component_mismatch(item, mismatch_description)
[docs] def describe_component_mismatch(self, item, mismatch_description): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class MulticomponentMatcher(BaseMatcher): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self._matchers = {} def _matches(self, item): match_result = True for m in self._matchers: r = m._matches(item) self._matchers[m] = r match_result &= r return match_result
[docs] def register(self, plugin): """ Call this method to register your plugins to your matcher, either from your additional matcher methods (``with_something`` or ``and_someting``) or from the ``__init__`` method. **NOTE** that you **must** return ``self`` from those additional matcher methods. :param plugin: Instances of ``MatcherPluginMixin`` :return: """ self._matchers[plugin] = False return self
def describe_to(self, description): descriptions = [ get_description(m) for m in self._matchers] a = "{}.".format("; ".join(descriptions)) a = sentence_case(a) description.append_text(a) def describe_mismatch(self, item, mismatch_description): m_desrs = [ get_mismatch_description(m, item) for m, result in self._matchers.items() if not result] m_desrs = filter(None, m_desrs) a = sentence_case("{}.".format("; ".join(m_desrs))) mismatch_description.append_text(a)
class KwargMulticomponentMatcher(MulticomponentMatcher): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) def register_for_kwarg(self, plugin, kwarg=None): """Register a plugin for a plugin for a kwarg argument""" if kwarg is not None: self.register(plugin)